Recognizing the Significance of Localized Content for Driving Engagement

Business Problem: Facebook's newsfeed ranking team wanted to increase engagement among infrequent Facebook visitors by optimizing newsfeed content.

Research: I conducted 30 in-depth interviews with infrequent Facebook visitors to understand their usage patterns, pain points, and interactions with the newsfeed.

Findings: Key insights were that participants intentionally limited Facebook visits and focused on connecting with specific contacts. Localized content was found to resonate strongly with this user group.

Impact: Presented findings on the importance of local content to the ranking team. This led to algorithm adjustments prioritizing localized content, resulting in a 3% increase in monthly active users.

Contact me for access to the full report.

Evaluating User Resonance of a New Photo Sharing Concept

Business Problem: Facebook's Creation Growth team wanted to increase user-generated content by tapping into users' desire to reminisce. They proposed a new photo feature concept aiming to capitalize on this insight.

Research: I conducted 30 in-depth interviews across two rounds to evaluate user perspectives on the appeal, usage frequency, and emotional engagement with the new photo concept.

Findings: Users did not show strong enthusiasm for the concept and felt it might overlap with existing features. They recommended redirecting efforts towards more innovative concepts.

Impact: Communicated users’ unenthusiastic response to the concept which led to discontinuing the new photo concept and shifting resources to explore AI-powered photo editing and sharing features instead.

Contact me for access to the full report.